Welcome to "It Must Be Summer"

"It Must Be Summer" is back for Comfest 2013.

Started five years ago by toph and John, the group blog returns for its sixth year for Comfest 2013. Time flies. In the spirit of community that is essential to Comfest, here is a place to share your Comfest thoughts, memories, and experiences. We look forward to seeing, reading, or watching (iPhone video is STILL a dangerous and beautiful thing) whatever you'd like to share here.

If you are reading this and you didn't receive an invite to post and would like to contribute, leave a comment and John or toph will get you added.

We'll see you on the grass in the park.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tonight I can't hold a pen...

Only 12 hours away!

My god, we are finally almost there.

The Plan:

In the morning, I'll be at the Phoenix sitting on an audition panel, then I will leave promptly at 12:15 and toph will pick me up at my place at 12:25. We will head to his place and drop my gear and then walk over to Mac's for our annual kick-off lunch (~12:45). Once we have had Guinness and burgers at Mac's we will hit the fest. Mugs and koozies will be quickly procured.

Then we'll probably find the most interesting act at whatever time that is (2ish) and park there while we drink our first beer. Then it will be back to toph and Jill's to grab the gear, mix some Johngaritas, and set-up base camp.

See you in the park. We'll be the guys with the ear-to-ear grins.

1 comment:

Dave said...

2pm, eh? Well, if you're in a metal sort if mood, I'd highly recommend Teeth if the Hydra at the Offramp stage. But only if you're in a metal sort of mood! I still can't sleep.