Welcome to "It Must Be Summer"

"It Must Be Summer" is back for Comfest 2013.

Started five years ago by toph and John, the group blog returns for its sixth year for Comfest 2013. Time flies. In the spirit of community that is essential to Comfest, here is a place to share your Comfest thoughts, memories, and experiences. We look forward to seeing, reading, or watching (iPhone video is STILL a dangerous and beautiful thing) whatever you'd like to share here.

If you are reading this and you didn't receive an invite to post and would like to contribute, leave a comment and John or toph will get you added.

We'll see you on the grass in the park.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Little chair

It's a little wet down here...

[this post was from yesterday but failed to publish.  The Sunday weather is wonderful!]

...but I think Jason is taking it a little too serious...

...and we're a little worried about the wet cardboard with cheese stuck to the inside...

Friday, June 28, 2013

We are here!

Greg is being adorable

It's something I'd never see; a 260 pound Marine with a purple parasol...

I think he's pulling it off!

Romper, bomper, stomper boo.

I see Ben, and Tara, and Ivy, and Anya, and Greg, and Rhonda, and Brant, and Brad, and Liz, and Nick, and Jared, and Lisa, and Jason, and John, and topher.

First sticks of the fest...

...original release NHC Naturals. Really tasty with the age on them now!

If you're looking for us...

If you're looking for us, we're at the Gazebo stage straight back from
the sound tent by about 60 feet back.

First Johngaritas of Comfest



The First sniff of the first bottle...

Another ComFest tradition...

ComFest Hail?

It's kinda hard to see...  but that's hail...  On ComFest Friday!!!

The Official Spread

As always, a thing of beauty and wonder.

The unofficial alcohol photo

John is making it prettier

Apparently I'm not approved for the official photo...

...thank goodness for shelves...

It was really nice of Casa de Briz to put up this nice shelf in the garage...

John joins the party!

This is all getting to be a little extreme...

I mean - come on.  How much stuff do four guys and a Liz need for a weekend?

...and the three boxes of happiness are already in the car...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

...it's almost here!!!

That annual celebration of all things wonderful, including Community, Friends, Corn dogs, Turkey Legs, Cigars, and Alcohol.

My new collection of Woot! shirts just showed up, so I'll have all new shirts again this year...

The annual discussion regarding the procurement of supplies has begun, and it seems like it's almost as chaotic as years past.  You think we'd learn...

That's right, it's COMFEST TIME!!!