Welcome to "It Must Be Summer"

"It Must Be Summer" is back for Comfest 2013.

Started five years ago by toph and John, the group blog returns for its sixth year for Comfest 2013. Time flies. In the spirit of community that is essential to Comfest, here is a place to share your Comfest thoughts, memories, and experiences. We look forward to seeing, reading, or watching (iPhone video is STILL a dangerous and beautiful thing) whatever you'd like to share here.

If you are reading this and you didn't receive an invite to post and would like to contribute, leave a comment and John or toph will get you added.

We'll see you on the grass in the park.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

And with that...

...We say goodbye to Comfest for another year.

Thank-you again to Brad and Liz for opening their home to us for the weekend.

And thanks to all who dropped by to share some time on a blanket or in a chair. We love you all and it's just not Comfest without you.

Only 363 days until Happy-Comfest-John returns again... See you on the grass in the park.

Jared's Pic

Of a stilt-walker because he can't figure out how to post. :)

Toph now wants to learn how to stilt-walk.

Whose house?

Brant's house!!

It's a typical...

...Sunday at Comfest. Coming down from the revelry of the past two days.


...and Jill has joined us. And has the proper Sunday Comfest mindset.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday at...

...its inevitable end. Blue Hawaiian Day tomorrow!

The Saturday Giant

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Comfest has everything...

...including burlesque.


...commits our first party foul. Clearly she isn't meant to have beer today. So we provided something more potent. :D

Two of my favorite people...

...whose wedding I happen to be officiating in 14 days.

Jared and Lisa enjoying...

...cigars from the island south of Miami.

A Comfest tradition...

...ending this year. We are down to our last few Habana Leon A's.

Sarah dropped by for a visit!

Kevin and Tony and Greg and Ronda and Luke and Terry and Katie and Melissa!

Shaping up to be a good day!

Random Guy (tm) joins us

we don't know him, he didn't ask, and now he's part of us!

Reason number 536,469...

...why I love comfest!

These were the volunteers dropping off todays's trash can...

Day 2 Locale

For the geo-location purposes. :)

Jared and his annual...

...not quite vegetarian tradition.

John seems lonely...

...you should come keep him company!

Brunch with Megan and Aly!

It's quite the crowd... The raspberry vodka, raspberry soda, white grapefruit juice, and champagne is very tasty!

Remember way back when...

...before we got smart... and I used to mix these a shot at a time?


Megan and Aly have invited us over to their place for breakfast.

Liz is making a strawberry salad with goat cheese and a strawberry-infused-basalmic vinaigrette!

Friday, June 22, 2012

In the early twilight as the sun...

...begins to slip from the sky.

Evening update...

First Corn dogs: consumed.

Core Group: Toph, John, Ben, Jason, Jared, Liz, Brad.

Visitors thus far: Dave, Katie, Terry, Eric Myers.

First sticks of the fest...

Littlest Dog EVAH

I mean - seriously...

Base camp...

...is established.

Saturns are shelves

The Corvette IS a Shelf!!!


The Official Kick-Off Lunch

The Official Comfest Spread

Leaving... Take 2...

I forgot my hats..

And so it begins...

...The official 2012 John's gear picture.

I'm late - I'm late - For a *VERY* important Date!

...and so it begins...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Jason just looked at me and asked if we had taken the appropriate steps to prepare for Comfest...

I ignored him, assuming he was just confused and that he would regain his senses. I was wrong, he continued to press the issue.

I think we need to institute some kind of penalty box, and Jason needs to be put in it... I'm not sure if it's a "no drinking" box or a "no going out to ComFest" box... but it's definitely a box, and he's definitely in it.

...seriously... how does one even BEGIN to question if John and I have prepared for ComFest...