Welcome to "It Must Be Summer"

"It Must Be Summer" is back for Comfest 2013.

Started five years ago by toph and John, the group blog returns for its sixth year for Comfest 2013. Time flies. In the spirit of community that is essential to Comfest, here is a place to share your Comfest thoughts, memories, and experiences. We look forward to seeing, reading, or watching (iPhone video is STILL a dangerous and beautiful thing) whatever you'd like to share here.

If you are reading this and you didn't receive an invite to post and would like to contribute, leave a comment and John or toph will get you added.

We'll see you on the grass in the park.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Comfest 2008 Day 1 Endcap - Happiness is all the rage...

So as I rise and rehydrate on Day 2, I spend a few minutes looking back on Day 1 and realizing that we did not post at all between 6:52 pm and 12:53 am.

So here's a brief attempt to fill in some of those missing hours:

- After visiting with Kristina, I decided it was time for my first corn dogs of the weekend. Dan has a rather suggestive picture of it, I believe.
- Ben and Tara and Anya showed up and hung out for a few hours. Ben and Tara regaled us with stories of their trip to Thailand.
- We were plowing through Johngaritas at that point. By 8:45 our intial four PowerAde bottles were empty and we headed back to toph's to mix more.
- There was much debate about the Comfest ending time.
- toph talked his neighbors into joining us as we headed back.
- Dave showed up and disappeared. And showed up. And disappeared. And showed up. And disappeared. Rinse and repeat.
- Brant must have not had a good night at work because he was back rather early. As mentioned in last night's posts, Drunk Brant did indeed come out to play. Good times.

Day 1 facts:
- last revelers: toph, John, Brant, and Lauren.
- total Cabo Wabo consumption: 4 bottles (?!?!)
- Corn dogs: 2
- Random Comfest Reunions: 0 (how'd that happen?)

Here are a couple of dark and grainy pictures from late last night.

Dan and Tara at base camp.

Anya and Ben relaxing at base camp.

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